The Divine Journey by Janet Myatt
The Divine Journey by Janet Myatt PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Have you ever wondered, "Why aren't things going the way I want them to? Why can't I create the change I long for? How can I move into a place of love, inner peace, and joyfulness?" The Divine Journey offers a unique combination of thought-provoking ideas, real-life stories, targeted exercises, and guided meditations to catalyze your higher intuition and help you find your answers.
Drawing from such diverse sources as the Ageless Wisdom teachings of Alice Bailey, A Course in Miracles, The Urantia Book, Seth, and the Christian Bible, author Janet Myatt offers a modern interpretation of complex spiritual concepts that can be applied to your daily experience. The Divine Journey takes you on a path of spiritual discovery to learn how the forces of creativity work within you and help you move out of painful ways of thinking and feeling into an awakened awareness that is limitless, loving, and powerful. You'll find tools to help you:
- Discover the divinity within you.
- Understand how your thoughts and desires determine your experience.
- Heal the mental and emotional patterns that cause suffering.
- Experience a deeper connection with yourself, others, and the world around you.
Whether you are newly on the path of spiritual awakening or an experienced traveler, the concepts and techniques offered provide fertile ground for a transformational shift into your unlimited self.
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