Thursday, 23 April 2015

PDF⋙ Voices of Recovery from the Campus: Stories of and by College Students in Recovery from Addiction by Lisa Laitman

Voices of Recovery from the Campus: Stories of and by College Students in Recovery from Addiction by Lisa Laitman

Voices of Recovery from the Campus: Stories of and by College Students in Recovery from Addiction

Voices of Recovery from the Campus: Stories of and by College Students in Recovery from Addiction by Lisa Laitman PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

What is it like for people in their early teens and twenties to try to achieve sobriety? What are the life situations that they face that are different than if they began their journeys to sobriety later in life? And what happens as their lives unfold over the years? To answer these and other questions, the editors of Voices of Recovery from the Campus put together a collection of 12 stories written by college students and alumni of Rutgers University who began their recovery in college. Like all recovery stories, they are the personal journeys of very different people who struggle with the same issue: how to live life without drinking? What makes them unique is that their drinking often began long before they were legally able to drink, and so did their sobriety. Each story is different from the others in the details of the person’s life and circumstances, yet what they have in common is that each story captures what it was like to struggle with alcoholism, what happened to motivate the person to stop drinking and what it is like now as a sober person. The editors think of the book as the Little Book, a contemporary set of stories about young people getting sober, what it took and the joyous lives they have now that they are free of alcoholism. It is a book of stories, told in the words of each person who lived the experience. A book that shows the pain, embarrassment, suffering, and the struggles and victories with sobriety, and the honesty and humor with which these recovering alcoholics look back on themselves, their experiences and their great good fortunate in getting sober and staying sober. Voices of Recovery from the Campus shows that alcoholism affects people as early in life as their teen years and that there is always hope. It shows how college students who wanted to get sober and stay sober actually did to replace drinking with a life free from alcohol. For example, readers get to see what it was like for a woman who came from a large family and started drinking with friends in her early teens. For her, college was a time of good grades and lots of drinking until she found AA and what she calls a “new happiness and new freedom.” They meet the man who was outgoing and active, and who fellow students and professors loved. On the outside, he looked like what every college student should be. While on the inside he struggled with his drinking and how it made him feel about himself. Readers meet the woman who grew up knowing about AA since her mother was sober in AA but discovered her own need for alcohol, anyway. They learn that she had to find her own way to face her own alcoholism when she got to college. They get to read what it was like for the man who admits he was lonely and drank to feel better. “I wasn’t the coolest guy when I drank,” he recounts, and tells what happens when at 19, he decided to stop and found recovery. And they read of the woman who admitted that her ritual was to drink, pass out, wake up, and drink who learn that for her, “school was a blur that I just got through.” These are the recovering alcoholics’ stories, and they should be told—not because they are particularly dramatic, but because they are stories of ordinary people who did extraordinary things as they fought their addiction and found their recovery from a disease that takes more lives than it spares.

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