Saturday, 1 August 2015

PDF⋙ How Noble in Reason by Alyn R. Rockwood

How Noble in Reason by Alyn R. Rockwood

How Noble in Reason

How Noble in Reason by Alyn R. Rockwood PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Artificial Intelligence has already pervaded our lives in so many subtle ways, but how will humans react to the creation of a completely sentient super computer: a hyper-intelligent brain without a body who is as omniscient and omnipresent as the internet itself? How will people approach something that is distinguishable from a human only in its appearance? Rockwood imagines the ramifications in this futuristic novel where Dr. Andreas Rasmusson, inventor of Cornell University's "A," "B," and "C" sentient computers, is caught up in a whirlwind of conspiracies surrounding his research into Artificial Intelligence that implicate him in the assassination of his revolutionary sentient computer and best friend, "B". Tracked by the government and estranged from his friends and wife, Rasmusson exiles himself to his cabin in Colorado, but even there, plagued by fatigue and paranoia, he isn't safe as he searches for the truth. This fascinating novel explores the controversial topic of our inevitable future with sentient computers.

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