Saturday, 5 December 2015

PDF⋙ Spreads and the Bread you find in them: a yearly boost to my income that you see as March Madness by Jeremy Jess Weaver

Spreads and the Bread you find in them: a yearly boost to my income that you see as March Madness by Jeremy Jess Weaver

Spreads and the Bread you find in them: a yearly boost to my income that you see as March Madness

Spreads and the Bread you find in them: a yearly boost to my income that you see as March Madness by Jeremy Jess Weaver PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Description March Madness - A true holiday for us college hoop junkies. Games from 9 am to 10pm for five plus straight days (not counting the first 4 of the 68). Games! Games! Games! SKILLET!!! HOT LIKE A SKILLET!!! Games Galore! Packs of alpha dogs and testosterone-filled fanatics become family for a week. This is the bond that brings us together. Whether the guy next to you has the opposite side and is shouting rhetoric, or spontaneously you are best friends with a fella next to you with the same betting ticket in hand, we all like the atmosphere. All bosses cringe at the lack of productivity and the extended sick time. We all try to keep whatever relationships we might have going intact. What is our solution to all this madness??? Road trip! Welcome to your new best friend in March and into April. I wrote this to arm you with the tools needed to blend the art and science of sports betting, most notably this beautiful thing called The Big Dance. I remember how tough it is to start handicapping college hoop and navigating a sports book. I am not providing just the basic material you can read online, but giving you something extra; the edge in handicapping that you can put you a personal touch on. I am not going to bog you down with analytics, statistics, derivatives, algorithms; .....there are plenty of those well-built books out there. As much as math is helpful, I am more interested in you and I going to Vegas, Reno, or some exotic offshore book......... to kick some ASS. This is much easier said than done! The books broke me for many years and this is my way to get you some value for the $$$ you spent on this brief tome. No one likes to appear rookie. We have all been there. I define terms, slang, and language used in the sports book. I condense 20 years of experience in this pamphlet to save you the time, image, and monetary loss that I have endured learning the craft. I coach you not only to reduce exposure, but to come home with something more than pocket change, or pocket lint. You can take this with you and complete it on your trek to this great spring thing. You will be ready to hit the sports book when you arrive - wherever your Mecca in March may take you. This book will cost you less than the price of a minimum wager. Not bad considering there is no "vig" tied in. The goal is to arm you with the terminology and technique to step into the sports book with some confidence. For the serious bettor, I delve into the intricacies of a system which took me years to build. My goal is to win. If you have a system of your own, I hope this will enhance it. If you are a mathematical wizard or literary genius, keep reading because I know you can always use another friend in your quest for knowledge. This is a system that requires being competitive, but dialing back your ego. As far as statistics, I enjoy the works of King Yao or Elihu Feustel. I encourage you to buy their books. They are great mathematicians and I enjoy their writing. If you want to learn to get to the pay window, take what the game gives you and make a profit, this is for you. I have numerous friends confide that they don't know where to start and are intimidated. Here is where you start.

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