Being Bobby by Robert W. Ferguson
Being Bobby by Robert W. Ferguson PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
What if you want to be tall, but you are short?
What if you want to be strong, but you are weak?
What if you think you are smart, but you do lots of dumb things?
What if you are not a prodigy, even when there's something inside that tells you that you are very special?
What if, you believe you have been fearfully and wonderfully made, but you recognize that you are still somehow deeply flawed?
What if you know you have a purpose, but you are afraid you will never live up to that purpose?
What if you want to be loved, but you fear love will never come to you?
What if all your potential screams to be released, but your fears are too great?
What if you could just be somebody else?
What if you were Bobby?
How do you handle the
"what if's?"
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