Wednesday, 23 April 2014

PDF⋙ Painting Garden Animals (Decorative Painting) by Sherry C. Nelson

Painting Garden Animals (Decorative Painting) by Sherry C. Nelson

Painting Garden Animals (Decorative Painting)

Painting Garden Animals (Decorative Painting) by Sherry C. Nelson PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Sherry C. Nelson is known for her innovative and creative methods for painting animals in oils and acrylics. In Painting Garden Animals with Sherry C. Nelson, decorative painters now have a chance to learn these techniques through detailed step-by-step instruction. 10 projects feature those cuddly animals we know and love - a curious kitten, a fluffy yellow chick, a playful squirrel - all placed in colourful garden settings. Plus, readers can paint wilder animals, including a fawn and wolf cub. Decorative painters will master each part of the animal, including its eyes, noses, ears and paws, as well as its realistic fur with distinctive colour, markings, and length.

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